Ep. 176: How to Continue Growing As Creator | Beth Saravo (Music & Lifestyle Photographer)
Beth Saravo is a unique breed of creator that inspires me beyond belief. She’s had a ton of success as a music and lifestyle photographer, and has an incredible ability to capture perfect human moments in any format.
In this episode we discuss what it takes to be a successful creator in any format and how to grow and continue to push boundaries and evolve in your career. We also talk about understanding and defining what success means to you, along with leaning into being the odd one out and the advantages that can have.
Ep. 175: Career Pivots & When to Change Your Life Up | Babs Szabo & Andrew Cramb
How do you know if and when it's time to make a career pivot or big life change? My dear friend Babs Szabo joins me this week to discuss that exact topic.
Babs had a remarkably successful career in music as a co-founder of Emo Nite & Ride or Cry, then ultimately decided to fully change it up and make a big life change in search of more happiness and fulfillment.
Both her and I have had similar experiences and know how scary it can be, so we wanted to share some of what we learned to try to help anyone else out there who may be feeling the same way.
Ep. 174: A BTS Look Into The Lives of Gordyland & Andrew Cramb (Gold Couch x WAAMF Podcast)
THE PODCAST IS BACK!!! I figured this would be a perfect episode to come back with too. Gordy and I have been talking about doing more episodes together were we just chop it up as friends, talk about current topics, and share more insights into our personal work. This episode is exactly that!
Ep. 159: The Secret to Living a Meaningful Life with Neal Donnelly
Neal Donnelly is the Brand Marketing Manager for Young & Reckless. He's also a brilliant, well-spoken, hilarious human. In this episode we talk about how to live a genuinely meaningful life and how to find your calling, even if it takes some trial and error. We talk about when it's time to quit one thing and move onto another, and we talk about his genuine love for culture and creating.