Ep. 59: Evange Livanos | How to Get A Great Music Manager in 2020

Evange Livanos is an artist manager who owns Alternate Side Management and has a record label with Elektra Music Group called Public Consumption. She's been in the music business for almost 20 years and is an absolute BOSS!

Her come up story has already been told, so we changed it up for this episode and went straight into the good stuff! I pick her brain on very specific questions like how to position yourself as an artist to get a great music manager or record label, how to best release music in 2020 with times changing, and so much more!

If you're looking to grow your artist project and get discovered, this is the episode for you!


0:00 - Intro

0:43 - Who you are and what you do

4:02 - How to get the attention of a good manager

9:08 - Real steps you can take to get your project noticed

15:20 - You have to put in the work before you get a manager

18:19 - What do managers actually do for artists?

23:24 - Finding ways to make artists more money

27:34 - Evange's goal as a manager

34:08 - How should artists release music in 2020 with times changing?

37:45 - Things don't have to be perfect, but you have to keep putting out content

39:55 - What it means to be an entertainer

42:45 - How Alternate Side stayed proactive during the pandemic

44:28 - The value of professional help

45:57 - The importance of having a personal connection with your artists

49:43 - Where can people find you?

Evange Livanos:

Alternate Side

Public Consumption


Andrew Cramb:



Where Are All My Friends Podcast:





If you liked this episode and found it helpful, the biggest favor you can do is sharing it on social media and spreading the word! I'm @andrew_ftw and she's @evangerules


Ep. 60: How to Release Music in 2020 (Singles Vs. Albums) | Josh Epple & Ben Farber


Ep. 58: Danny Cocke | The Power of Perseverance